
My drawing VS customer's drawing about ultrasonic parking space red green light indicator system, jejeje(take care, many photos)

Drawing from Shahin:

Drawing from Cherry:

Yes, both drawings are about the ultrasonic parking space red green light indicator system, jejeje..

Do you think mine is better?

OK. I am not good at computer mouse drawing. 

Will do better next time with more practice :)

Following are parts of our parking guidance system.


-LED Display:
 tenet parking led panel display one two three directions parking guidance system

 tenet parking led display two three four five six seven eight floors


Does this article help you understand our ultrasonic parking system a little more?

You are welcome to contact me on skype: TENET_Cherry, and let me know what information you need about our products. Your comments are very important to TENET!

Have a nice day!


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